Cherng Ji Rollformer

No. 47 Chu Nan Rd., Jen Wu Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

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Slit & Cut-To-Length Machine CHJ-L-35

  • This machine can simultaneously strip and cut the entire roll of a steel sheet according to the required.
  • Width and length. It is suitable for produce gutter, ridge .. etc in small quantity.

product Description

Slit and cut to length machine is a simple machine which is used to slit and cut coil to the required order with small quantity. The production process starts from the Uncoiler, leveling, slit and cut to length to the required length. It is the best choice to produce multi-product such as gutter, ridge and corner cover with small quantity.

Product Feature

This machine can simultaneously strip and cut the entire roll of a steel sheet according to the required width and length. It is suitable for produce gutter, ridge…etc, in small quantity.

Product Specification

Sheet Thickness 0.3~1.0mm
Forming Speed 15~24m Per Minute
Roller Shaft Dia ∅95mm
Motor Output 7.5~10hp
Length * Width L:2M
Single Head Uncoiler 5~8Ton